
Teaching & Learning


Generative AI Hub

Learn about generative AI (GenAI) and what it means for teaching, learning and assessment at UCL.

Microsoft Copilot is our approved GenAI tool because of its enhanced data protection. This tool is a more secure and safer alternative to other GenAI services.
Read about how you can use Microsoft Copilot easily and safely.

Students can find more information about engaging with GenAI in education and assessments here and workshops on GenAI and writing here.

student in classroom

What is Generative AI?

Starting with the basics: What GenAI is and why you should learn about it.

student in classroom

How does Generative AI work?

How GenAI works and the sources of data that it is trained on.

two people chatting in from of the globe at UCL East.

GenAI and academic integrity in assessment

The acceptable use of GenAI in UCL assessments.

students sat on floor with laptop

Writing effective prompts for GenAI

How to write prompts that guide GenAI to give you useful outputs.

Students walking by river with sign of UCL

Capabilities and limitations of GenAI

When GenAI can be helpful and when it is likely to give less successful results.

teacher showing students information on a screen.

Ethics and sustainability of GenAI

The ethical concerns around GenAI services and how sustainable they are.

students talking at a desk.

Safeguarding your data with GenAI

How GenAI services might use your data and how to keep your data safe.

three people chatting at a science event.

GenAI in work and study

Ideas for everyday study, work and leisure tasks that can incorporate GenAI.